In my previous article is already the final version of my new loadout. But I was still testing a few days.
This was the loadout of day one...
[Punisher, The Punishment v3.0]
Damage Control II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
400mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1MN Afterburner II
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
Gatling Pulse Laser II,Conflagration S
Gatling Pulse Laser II,Conflagration S
Gatling Pulse Laser II,Conflagration S
Small 'Knave' Energy Drain
Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Energy Discharge Elutriation I
Small Energy Metastasis Adjuster I
- EHP 9.505
- 2.125 armor w/ 66% explosive reduction (lowest resistance)
- dps 97/112 hot, at 3+0.6km, tracking 0.44, w/ IN Multifequency
- dps 109/125 hot, at 3+0.6km range, tracking 0.31, w/ Conflagration
- dps 78/89 hot, at 9+0.6km range, tracking 0.33, w/ Scorch
2014-02-11 19:51At a gate I found a Atron that was attacking a corp mate in a Slasher. I used my bookmarks to get close to the Atron, and then he was about 40km away and I started approaching toward his direction. Yank warped also near the position I was before, and then I tried to escape. But my ship was to slow and needed to align the next planet first. At the same time the Atron pointed me, and my last option was kamikaze.
I tried to catch the Atron but he was faster then me and kept me at range. +4.000m/s he covered with his Mwd and the gap between us was over 17km. I approached a second time a planet, in hope to get out of disruptor range. But then the Coercer got close, and I thought Yank wanted attack me, so I locked him and tried to orbit him at close range. But Yank stayed at range, like the Atron.
Hormone1971 arrived in his Thrasher and two volleys showed the Atron where it belong. Then the Thrasher exploded and I was able to warp away. But I didn't notice that and tried to orbit Yank instead.
Two Crows arrived, followed by a Thorax and an Ares. Last but not least a Maller arrived too. All about 20km away of my position, except the Thorax was miles away. Three corp mates in a fleet arrived also, but I wasn't in a fleet and they landed near the Thorax. Not surprisingly they killed the cruiser and I was the red herring for our other enemies.
I focused the Crow that obviously wanted to brawl, and I started counting the time they needed to put me down... Between their first hit and the explosion of my ship was over one minute and ten seconds - Killmail. Before that the Atron was shooting holes in space only. I saw that he missed me in the beginning, and I didn't count that in! Total of six people raped my vessel and they needed an absurd time to get it popped.
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
2014-02-11 20:10
I spotted an enemy near a gate, attacked him, and got steamrolled. Or with other words: I found a bait and run into a trap. But then again it took over one minute till my ship exploded.
This time were two Blaster-Merlins stapled on me, and I couldn't shake them off. In the picture you can see how much damage I did before they blown me up. Killmail
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
2014-02-11 20:19
Damn, once again I forgot to capture a video. I could cry.
I attacked a Slasher near a station and he tried to kept me at range. But I got close and then I started shooting. I don't know how, but after his shield was melted, he managed to get at 20km range again. I approached a station and was waiting till he got closer. Then I did a u-turn and the gap was closed again.
About 50% armor he had left and and then he activated his tracking disuputor. I was using Scorch all the time, but I didn't checked range and tracking of my guns.
Then Yankunytjatjara warped toward my location with his Coercer I think it was. He started firing and my armor melted slowly but surly. I approached a station again and I was ready for warp. But the Slasher didn't wanted to explode, so I kept course and waited till he exploded. Killmail After that I pressed the warp button.
Yank was alone in the field and I had 28% armor left. Apparently he wasn't close enough to activate his point, or he was killmail whoring without a point. Anyway, now I am more confident with this loadout, Yank wasn't close but he was shooting me for good.
2014-02-11 20:36
This was nothing spectacular. Three corp mates camped top station in Josameto. Then a enemy in a Slasher warped near a wreck, so did I to tackle him. Two mates followed me in the course of history. He was using his Tracking Disruptor against me, and I used Scorch against him. I didn't check the range and tracking of my guns, and that's the reason the other Punisher implied more damage. I should see the penalties when moving the mouse-courser over my guns. But I didn't and thought Scorch will be good as counter. In the Killmail you can see that he was using a tracking speed disruption script and I gimped my potential.
2014-02-11 20:56
I waited near top station in Josameto for something happen. Wrecks lay around, so ppl had good points to warp at and attack me. Peaceful Yank was in his Coercer again, and took his chances. This was the first time I wanted to knew my chances against a destroyer, so I waited for him.
He warped to a wreck near me and started shooting. Then I tried to orbit him at close range ... 20km ... 15km ... 11km ... 15km ... 20km. Damn, he kept me at range and his speed was bouncing up and down while angular velocity was less than 0.03. I tried to warp away, but he was using a Mwd and a Warp Disruptor.
(Click on the picture to enlarge)
- At the first two fights I didn't used the directional scanner to scan for an ambush, then I could had escaped. 360° with 1au should be enough.
- Locking and shooting different targets seems to be a good solution to reduce damage, but not against blaster-ships. Slowly I am thinking the Punisher is a good bait and I should use it for the fleet.
- I have to check my weapon stats (range and tracking) when some1 put a Tracking Disruptor on me.
- Tripple trimarks seems more effective, specially as bait.
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