Armor Plates
Most common are Rolled Tungsten plates and thats the reason why most of them are expensive. I use instead Crystalline plates when the price was not right. When having Cpu problems I switch to a nanofiber plate or a titanium plate, and I haven't used/seen plates for pvp that are less thick than 200mm in my hole eve career. With the ship ballancing I have seen and used fittings with a T2 plate more often, but never a 100mm plate!Armor Repair Systems
In general I use the AAR in combination with a repair bonus, like Auxillary Nano Pumps. The Gallente ships can to it the best, like the Incursus and the Myrmidon. But my favorite is an 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer. Before I start a debate: This is just my way to keep the costs low. An 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer is not as strong as an Armor Repairer II but cheap, and I use it after I fought mainly. The Tech2 variant comes handy when I have no other way to avoid damage and using dual repair.Damage Control
Almost every ship should fit a DCU, and some ships get the huge benefit (like the Taranis). I prefer a cheap named DCU or simple the Tech1 variant, specially when my Cpu is low. The difference between Tech1 and Tech2 aren't that big, because 10% more structure resilience means nothing else than 10 hits felt like 11 hits. Except when active tanking, than it can boost quite much, because the active tank benefit of every bit extra resilience too.Energized Membranes
Single resistance modules aren't useful at all, because this isn't pve with a mission guide. The holy grail for pvp are Multi-resistances modules and every armor tanker can use Tech2 Energized Adaptive Nano Membranes. Before switching to the meta/named version I would consider Tech2 Resistance Platings.Nanofiber Structures
These modules are the best choice to be more flexible, compared with overdrives and inertial stabilizers. Velocity was most important before the ship balancing, but now most ships are almost equal and get more benefit of agility. Forget about the Tech2 vesions, because 'Local Hull' are the best modules to use. The difference are minimal, except for the ISK-war.Resistance Platings
Single resistance modules aren't useful at all! Again: This isn't pve with a mission guide. The holy grail are Multi-resistances modules and in this case its labeled with Adaptive Nano Platings. The named platings aren't that bad, but when having the choice I would use the Tech2 variant. These modules are preferred when having a lack of Cpu.Go back to the Spoilt of Choice - Index.
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