Tech1 Interceptors (Atron, Condor, Executioner and Slasher)
These ships can fit three Target System Subcontroller rigs plus a Sensor Booster, this makes them able to get a point on an escaping capsule without help.About 2.500 scan resolution is needed to lock a capsule in less than one sec.
Over 2.000 scan resolution is needed to lock a frigate in less than one sec.
A good example to use this high scan resolution is to catch enemies at a gate.
Condor and Slasher have four med slots available and still can fit range control and a Sensor Booster, but for exchange they do less damage than Atron and Executioner.
A two men gate camp could use a Condor or a Slasher to lock targets and pointing them ASAP with disruptor + web, while Atron or Executioner do max damage and pointing the same foe with a scrambler + web. No tank needed instead can all fit for damage and a neutralizer. The arriving folk will try to escape first and enemies should be dead before they know whats happening. This is by far the cheapest method to get a small gate camp done. Problems appear against anti frig fits (like a Caracal with RLMLs), also small drones or a neutralizer can harm. This is a very good example to start pvp. This setup can be done with two people and much less than 10mil, there is almost nothing to lose.
These ships can also be used for solo adventures. But even with a active or a passive tank they are weak compared to Assault Frigates and still need range control to mitigate damage, be warned!
Tech2 Interceptors (Claw, Crow, Crusader and Taranis)
Then there are T2 Interceptors that are very good for solo adventures. The ships have little more tank, little more warp speed and a huge damage output. Compared with T1 Interceptor's it would be Atrons and Executioners on crack. Those ships aren't good for fleet fights, because expensive ships with huge damage output earn the second place in targeting lists. With other words: They don't live long.Tech2 Interceptors (Ares, Malediction, Raptor and Stiletto)
Last but not least, there are Interceptors that are king of hunting enemies down. Those ships are constructed for gank and fleet fights and they are the fastest ships in game. They have the best warp speed, but less damage in exchange. To compare them with my example for small gate camps this would be Condor and Slasher on steroids. Those ships mostly stay at range and have a MWD to be the fastest ship in battle. Their goal is to get a point on escaping enemies ASAP and they combine well with covert ops.Go back to Spoilt for Choice - Frigates.
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