It was time for me to get back in action.This time I wanted to get use of the Directional Scanner and
I used a Mobile Depot
to prepare for each fight. I choosed the Breacher as a test object, because it was the cheapest and most tanky ship I had at the moment.
I made some changes to my fitting...
I downgraded the BCU to Meta0 and lost 5 dps. Then I upgraded the Fleeting Progressive Warp Scrambler to a J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler. Both I did to be able to fit a Mwd, not because of 300m extra scrambling range and 5 dps less. On top of that the J5b Scambler sucks more at the Capacitor. But I have to use it because I had a lack of Cpu when fitting a Mwd. The Capacitor of my ship is stable anyway.
You can copy this fit and past it in your EFT if you like...
[MASB Breacher v2.0]
Damage Control II
Local Hull Conversion Nanofiber Structure I
Ballistic Control System I
1MN Afterburner II
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 50
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I
Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Hornet II x2
This was the fitting when I was the first time in space. I was already able to defend myself. My Drone-Bay was filled and the MASB loaded, even when I tried to avoid combat. Lucky me, nothing happen till I deployed the Mobile Depot and filled it with the items from my cargo ...
Acolyte II x2
Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket x300
Caldari Navy Mjolnir Rocket x300
Caldari Navy Nova Rocket x300
Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket x150
Expanded Probe Launcher x1
Hobgoblin II x2
Limited 1mn Microwarpdrive I
Mobile Depot x1
Navy Cap Booster 50 x9
Sister Combat Scanner Probe x8
Warrior II x2
EFT Facts:
dps 80/94 hot @ <10.1 km w/ any type of Caldari Navy Rockets
28 w/ Acolytes and dps 109/123 hot incl CN-Rockets
Hobgoblins and dps 120/134 hot incl CN-Rockets
Hornets and dps 116/130 hot incl CN-Rockets
Warriors and dps 112/126 hot incl CN-Rockets
speed 476ms cold
speed 1.236/1.616ms hot w/ AB
speed 3.2913/4.698ms hot w/ Mwd
3.003 EHP w/ 625 shield w/ 38,8% EM resi (lowest resi)
After I looked at the Map to find a nice spot for my Mobile Depot, I bookmarked three spots. One near the sun, another between two gates, and the third covers almost everything with the Directional Scanner. Most of the time I fitted EM Rockets and two Acolytes. But every time I spotted a Caldari ship it warped off. Then some other ship-race spotted me and I had to warp off. I spend one hour trying to prepare for fights and hunted specific enemies, but everything was fruitless, because of increased fleet action. Then I though of putting several Rockets in my cargo, and lure someone away from the enemy fleet. I was hoping the Tech2 Interceptors would hunt me first. But some Drones attacked me and I warped off after I scanned the enemy fleet down and tried to lure some enemies away. There was a Maulus about 70km away and his Drones didn't stop shooting. All other enemies were already fighting at a gate 100km away of my position. I had no other choice than warping away. Back at the Mobile Depot I switched the AB with a Mwd, so next time I would be able to close or create a gap. I had to drag the items from the fitting-window into the Mobile Depot, otherwise they would land in my cargo and in my killmail.

(Click on the Picture to enlarge)
I knew the enemies had a fleet, but when I arrived most of them were already dead. War veteran Cosmos Blink was the last and my corp-mates were ignoring him
and looting the wrecks instead. I was searching the corp-bookmarks to find a location near the Imperial Navy Slicer Cosmo was sitting in. Damn corp-bookmarks, who made them ? Back, Below, Left, Right...
(Click on the Picture to enlarge)
How should I suppose to know where to land,
and there was no distance in kilometers given.
Anyway, while I was looking at the corp-bookmarks my corp-mates warped off and Cosmo warped near my position. I activated my Mwd and started approaching him. I already had activated overheat on all my modules and only needed to activate the Mwd to close the gap. He started shooting at me and tried to kept me at range. I hadn't thought the Slicer could be that strong. He was shooting already in my armor before I even started the MASB. Note to me: I have to adjust the shield alert to 60%. But I got him where I wanted him to be and his damage output was dropping for a short time... Next time I should orbit him instead of approaching to his direction, because long range weapons have lousy tracking. Maybe I had lived longer then.
2014-01-18 00:58 Killmail
Thx Cosmo Blink for the experience.
I am looking forward to battle people like you.
Micromanaging worked better this time, except I had to deactivate the Mwd within the first cycle not in the second. I even managed to scramble him above 10km, and I deactivated overheat on the Scrambler and Web when it was not needed anymore. But I forgot to use my drones. I dont wont to say I could had won this fight, because I had a lack of coordination and I didn't came though his shield. But
I should be able to live longer
when I could reduce his damage while orbiting at close range ... next time maybe. I found a
Killmail of him using the same ship.
You can copy this fit and past it in your EFT if you like...
[Cosmo Blink's Imperial Navy Slicer]
Damage Control II
Heat Sink II
Fourier Transform Tracking Program
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Overdrive Injector System II
Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Warp Disruptor II
Small Focused Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency S
Small Focused Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency S
[empty high slot]
Small Energy Burst Aerator I
Small Energy Locus Coordinator I
Small Energy Locus Coordinator I
EFT Facts:
He was using a Implant that increased Cpu
dps 189/217 hot @ 7.6+2.9km
tracking 0.33367
w/ IN Multifrequency
dps 151/173 hot @ 23+2.9km
tracking 0.25025
w/ Scorch
dps 211/242 hot @ 7.6+2.9km
tracking 0.23357
w/ Conflagration
Speed 532ms cold
Speed 3853/5514 hot w/ Mwd
I am not sure if its possible to exploit the tracking of his Pulse Lasers when he use Multifrequency Crystals, but without testing I will never know and this series is all about testing. I am sure about Conflagration which works against dump/helpless targets that are slow and flying with low angular velocity, like me. But Conflagration isn't good against orbiting targets.
I need my own bookmarks around the gate. Same type of bookmarks I need for Stations with a Hospital. And I need to fill the Mobile Depot with more than 300 Rockets of each type to be able to refill Ammo after each fight, and Charges too. It was a good decision to have a Mwd with me, so I can warp to the Mobile Depot for a short time and prepare myself. It seems to be that RvB favors fighting at gates and stations. Sometimes there is an 1vs1 fight at a planet and also some pre-made-fleets are fighting at planets. But no one was interested in my Mobile Depot and me at a save spot. Next time I could use an Armor Repairer to repair after each fight and a Hull Repairer to extinguish fire on my ship. This would only save peanuts, but bigger ships would have significant savings in cost. The Mobile Depot will get even more important in a low/null system with less stations.
I need all four damage types in my ship. 300 Rockets of each, and I need to reload my MASB only when engaging ships far far away. The Imperial Navy Slicer had his full damage potential on me and Cosmo needed less then 30sec till my ship explode. This was a complete different situation than the other ships I had fought before. The EM/Thermal damage of his Pulse Lasers and the huge damage output at long range made me bleeding a lot. There was no time at all to reload my MASB.
8 Breachers I have left over and my Kill-Ratio is 5:2 at the moment.
Next article:
Flying Scrap Heap - 03