Before the release I made pictures at Singularity, to show the new BPOs requirement.
(click on the picture to enlarge)
Its all about demand and supply! After the release of new BPOs it takes about 2-3 days till the profit drops low, and this time I took my chances with the new Rubicon BPOs.
First of I had to online a POS with a Equipment Assembly Array near Jita. This gave me a production increase and I was able to sell the production output quicker. With the huge profit gain at the beginning its better to focus on a fast production! For example: I have two Mobile Tractor Unit BPOs and four Mobile Depot BPOs. I was selling 12-16 Mobile Depots and two Mobile Tractor Units in less than two hours, for two days constantly. Only exception was when I was at sleep. I made over two billion profit in less than two days and had a total investment of less than 500mil, including all BPOs and POS fuel (2013-11-15).
(click on the picture to enlarge)
To get the materials for two days I had to calculate much. The results were,I could not effort a mass production for Mobile Cynosural Inhibitors. But the other BPO Materials I could buy in bulk. I thought: For the MD, RHML and MTU is a high demand for sure, but the other two BPOs are for PvP in null and I was not sure if there is a high demand for it in high security systems. Maybe people will buy SMSUs to test it, but that isn't enough. In the end the RHML wasn't good to sell too because not many people bought it. I have forgotten that new Missile Launcher (specially the rapid ones) aren't good for sell too. I had the same problem with the Rapid Missile Launcher BPO back in the days. But I was right, there wasn't a demand at Jita for both Null Sec Modules.
200x Mobile Depot
The demand is/was huge and I was able to sell all Units via Sell Order.
-702.500 Isk per Unit
The demand is/was huge and I was able to sell all Units via Sell Order.
-702.500 Isk per Unit
(click on the pictures to enlarge)
The Market actualized between 2-5 minutes (don't know exact numbers) and I was undercutting the lowest Sell Order constantly.
48x Mobile Tractor Unit
Even with the huge demand I wasn't able to do Market PvP, because I could sell two Units every two hours only. I had to sell it directly, but the profit wasn't bad at all.
-6.411.000 Isk per Unit
Even with the huge demand I wasn't able to do Market PvP, because I could sell two Units every two hours only. I had to sell it directly, but the profit wasn't bad at all.
-6.411.000 Isk per Unit
(click on the pictures to enlarge)
Some Rapid Heavy Missile Launchers
Very low demand for a new weapon, but its normal for Missile Launchers. In the picture you can see when my Sell Order dropped.
-38.600 Isk per Unit
Very low demand for a new weapon, but its normal for Missile Launchers. In the picture you can see when my Sell Order dropped.
-38.600 Isk per Unit
(click on the picture to enlarge)