Thursday, November 21, 2013

Market PvP -
My 2Bil Profit with Rubicon BPOs

Two times I had a huge profit gain, first when the Probe Launcher BPOs got released and second when the Heavy Assault Missile Launcher BPO got released. I realized that big $$$ can be made with new BPOs and 19 November was the release of Rubicon...

Before the release I made pictures at Singularity, to show the new BPOs requirement.
(click on the picture to enlarge)

Its all about demand and supply! After the release of new BPOs it takes about 2-3 days till the profit drops low, and this time I took my chances with the new Rubicon BPOs.

First of I had to online a POS with a Equipment Assembly Array near Jita. This gave me a production increase and I was able to sell the production output quicker. With the huge profit gain at the beginning its better to focus on a fast production! For example: I have two Mobile Tractor Unit BPOs and four Mobile Depot BPOs. I was selling 12-16 Mobile Depots and two Mobile Tractor Units in less than two hours, for two days constantly. Only exception was when I was at sleep. I made over two billion profit in less than two days and had a total investment of less than 500mil, including all BPOs and POS fuel (2013-11-15).
(click on the picture to enlarge)

To get the materials for two days I had to calculate much. The results were,I could not effort a mass production for Mobile Cynosural Inhibitors. But the other BPO Materials I could buy in bulk. I thought: For the MD, RHML and MTU is a high demand for sure, but the other two BPOs are for PvP in null and I was not sure if there is a high demand for it in high security systems. Maybe people will buy SMSUs to test it, but that isn't enough. In the end the RHML wasn't good to sell too because not many people bought it. I have forgotten that new Missile Launcher (specially the rapid ones) aren't good for sell too. I had the same problem with the Rapid Missile Launcher BPO back in the days. But I was right, there wasn't a demand at Jita for both Null Sec Modules.

200x Mobile Depot
The demand is/was huge and I was able to sell all Units via Sell Order.
-702.500 Isk per Unit
(click on the pictures to enlarge)

The Market actualized between 2-5 minutes (don't know exact numbers) and I was undercutting the lowest Sell Order constantly.

48x Mobile Tractor Unit
Even with the huge demand I wasn't able to do Market PvP, because I could sell two Units every two hours only. I had to sell it directly, but the profit wasn't bad at all.
-6.411.000 Isk per Unit
(click on the pictures to enlarge)

Some Rapid Heavy Missile Launchers
Very low demand for a new weapon, but its normal for Missile Launchers. In the picture you can see when my Sell Order dropped.
-38.600 Isk per Unit
(click on the picture to enlarge)

Monday, November 18, 2013

My advanced ship replacement plan (S&I)

There are many T1 BPOs but most of them have a small profit margin. Sometimes I can score with one of my BPOs, but therefor I need to check many many prices. A single Weapon or Ship BPO isn't good for a solid income, because every one is thinking that he will get the most income with it. They think all expensive productions have to make a big profit, and sometimes people think that every ship need weapons. But the profit is low in most cases and if there is something to gain other people will produce it already. Be warned! There are many people out there who have a shitload of BPOs and they can switch production in no time depending on market demand. On top do Ship and Rig prices change quite fast and I like to check prices on a daily bases. I made an Excel-File to show me where to invest my $$$ and I know already some productions for a constant income. Some Items will never fulfill the demand!

Simple productions - Insider's Tip

A solid Tech1 production can be done with Cynosural Field Generators. Even a small Corp can't fulfill the demand. Many people need this module to move big ships and fleets. Ships fitted with a Tech1 Cyno Field Generator are half-abandoned anyway. In my collection this BPO can make over two million profit on good days and I have two of them. Both of my Cyno BPOs have have a material efficiency of four and production efficiency of five.

There is also a huge demand for Mobile Depots and Mobile Tractor Units. I have two BPOs of each with material efficency four and production efficiency 12 on the MD-BPOs and production efficiency four on the MTU-BPOs. These items are an revolution! Almost every one can get his hands on these items (for example: mission runners, solo adventurers, exploration, pirates). The profit its over two million each day.

R.A.M.-BPOs are a good investment too. RAMs are needed to produce Tech2 stuff, but the production is time consuming and many people like to buy RAMs instead. I have two R.A.M.- Starship Engineering BPOs because many people need this version at most and build Tech2 ships. In my collection some R.A.M.-BPOs can make over two million profit on good days too.

All these items have a stable market price as long as people like me produce those items with a few production slots. The price drops when some people think they can focus on one item with all production slots and after a while they realize that there is not enough profit to be gain.

Rule of thumb: Don't put all one’s eggs in one basket and never ever put more than 10% supply in the market.

It should be clear that the more you research BPOs the less you gain from that research. But there is also something called Perfect ME, which is the point any further research will be fruitless. Generally the bigger the item, the more it will gain from being researched above Material Efficiency level 4, but then again bigger items have a tendency to take ages for just one level. Production Efficiency on the other hand is worth it to research a bit farther, because more items to sell means more profit.

My goal

My goal is to sell researched BPOs and to produce the items I was talking about and some Tech2 items that I will talk about later on. When I have no player-orders I can create researched Construction Components BPOs. Every Tech2 production need some Construction Components and most people don't have the level 5 skills to research those BPOs.

I bought me a medium Minmatar POS because I don't need more Cpu (I can online everything I need). Minmatar because of its fire power against battleships in high security systems. The cheap fuel requirement comes also handy. With Suleiman I claimed a Moon near Jita. I found this offline POS and it was quite easy to kill within less than two days. I just needed a battleship with stable capacitor and weapons that not need to reload.

Therefor I used a POS Removal Dominix.
(Click on the picture to enlarge)

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

I have my POS online and I sell researched BPOs
and (Tech1-2) BPCs to the public.

I also have some arrays to produce Tech1 Stuff and Tech2 stuff and Construction Components at once. My bottom-line is two million profit with each production slot per day. The longest job I do is copying within less than four days, but most jobs take about one day. There is no need to create long production jobs, because I own all the slots and in case of war I wont have much lost. I had already eight POS-fights back in the days, this spot near Jita seems to be famous. I lost three POSs in this system while I was playing other games, but this time I have tons of RvBs around me.

I am very proud of my two offices since 2011 who helped me much. The bill of the office near Jita has gone up and now it cost 806.526 ISK per month. At the moment I use two production chars and I can't produce stuff without an office. The bills are worth it, on top of that are my BPOs save as Alcatraz and I can create jobs remotely. But the best part is that both offices don't need a jump off spot in most cases, because both entrances are pointing to a stargate. For example: When I undock with my Frighter I can jump to New Caldari right away. Its the same like undocking from Jita 4-4 Caldari Navy Station and warping to Jita 4-4 Caldari Business Tribunal with a hauler. My trips between Jita and my POS/office are less than 64AU, this saves me alot of time.


The profit for invention comes from Asteroid Belts, Moons and Planets. Most of the stuff is bad to sell directly, instead, people produce Tech2 stuff out of it and sell this on the market.

I copy my own BPCs for invention. With ships and rigs the runs on a blueprint copy do not matter. The output runs will be 1 + decryptor runs. When inventing modules, ammunition and other non-ship/rig items, its is worthwhile to use maximum run input BPCs to get a Tech2 BPC with most possible runs. Material efficiency and production efficiency doesn't matter at all.

There are four levels of difficulty when inventing Tech2 items.
Modules and Ammo have the best chance.
Frigates, Destroyers and Freighters have a bit less chance.
Cruisers and Industrials have a bit more chance than Battlecruisers and Battleships.
Battlecruisers and Battleships have half the chance of Modules and Ammo.

I always use meta-items for invention and when there is no meta item available I like to use profitable decryptors instead, except when I invent Ammo and Drones then I use nothing extra.

Each Tech2 item has a corresponding group of Tech1 items. Tech1 items are not necessary for invention attempts, though they will improve the chance to invent something. The quality of the items are classified by their meta-level. The higher the meta-level of an item, the more it increases the chance of an invention success. Only items between meta-level 1 to 4 can be used to help the invention process.

Many Tech1 items doesn't have any meta-level at all (for example: ships and rigs) and the runs on those Tech2 BPCs will be one until a decryptor is used. Each data interface has a corresponding group of decryptors. Any of the +9 max run decryptors will drop chance of success. By contrast, the chance of success will raise when using any of the +4 max run decryptors.

Invention - Insider's Tip

A solid income can be done with the Large Armor Repair, because of the huge demand. I wasn't able to fulfill the demand with six industry chars back in the days. When I was selling more than 100 units per day I had to do Market PvP and the profit got low after a while. But most times I was producing with 10 slots and lowered my Sell Orders once or twice till it got sold. To split my productions I invented and produced Armor Hardeners too. There is always a demand for at least one type of Armor Hardener.

An other good $$$ income can be done with the Warp Disruptor, because most pvp ships use this module. I produced about 100 units each day with 10 slots. To split my productions here too I would invent and produce Tech2 Webber and Scrambler.

Then there is a solid income of Tech2 Drones combined with a Drone Assembly Array. This chain takes more flexible play time, because of the short production time of most drones. For example: A good profit can be done with Hammerheads. Every one is using thermal damage drones for pvp and pve, because of the high damage output. But drones with thermal damage output are most expensive because of the demand. People think drones with thermal damage output have to be good... And yes they are, because they can get a good profit margin and it takes only 8 hours to reload the Drone Assembly Array.

Last but not least there are the Tech2 ships with its long production chain, and its for the people with less play time. A solid income can be done with Heavy Interdictors, because of the skill requirement to build these ships. But also Tech2 frigates and Interdictors can make a good profit margin when you can switch production depending on the market demand.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My ship replacement plan (PI)

One of my friends (Nardomos) moved to my house and now I like to convince him to play Eve again. Nardomos has limited time and my goal is that he gain a shitload of $$$ in his spare time and maybe he will join in with RvB. He is a bit scarred of the gain and loss in Eve and he likes to play Star Wars Online and World of Warplanes the most. He likes also making money with auctions in online games.

I need to find something simple like planets with a good production-chain, so he can do Planetary Interaction (PI). We have two chars for PI each. All chars are equipped with a Covert Ops Cloaking Device and EWar Mods on its hauler. Back in the days I skilled and used all chars to build a ship replacement plan via POS productions. I was able to pay two Accounts, POS fuel and my ships with in-game money. But now I will keep it simple because a POS means responsibility.

I have an corp office in a low security system and there are many good planets near by. My plan is to produce Nanite Repair Paste with the materials form the planets. Nanite Repair Paste takes much less cargo space than planetary materials and I think its a good idea to save some space when hauling stuff from low security systems. I bought the BPO for 50 mil and reduced its production time. The material efficiency (ME) can't be changed, because of its low material requirement. My goal is to produce over 1.440 units or about 20mil each day. This isn't by far the best way to do thinks, but it creates a solid income for me. The BPO don't run with full capacity and its a good way to add Nardomos and a few other people to this plan, any time they want.

I have 12 planets colonized and with 10 of them I harvest raw materials and produce processed materials in a row. Once a day I restart all Extractors and this takes between 5 and 20 minutes. Every four days I have to haul all processed materials to the corp office, and I don't care for the Taxes as long it cost less than InterBus (17%). For my Data Chips production I found a planet with 1% Tax and for Gel-Matrix Biopaste I found a planet with 3% Tax. To this planets I haul the processed materials form the corp office. All transports take about half an hour at max.

HERE is a link to my hauler with fitting for low-security.

Custom Office Taxes

This value is set by CCP and is based off the market values in November 2011.
Advanced Commodities 1.350.000,00
Specialized Commodities 70.000,00
Refined Commodities 9.000,00
Processed Materials 500,00
Raw Materials 5,00
This numbers are needed for Spreadsheets like Excel and Open Office.
For example: InterBus will take 85 Isk (17%) for one unit of processed material.

Setup for my planets ...

A good reference to see what each planet can produce is at  A good setup for planets is to reach most hot spots without changing position of the Spaceport and Industry Facilities. When I found a good planet I placed Extractors on different spots and a Spaceport between them. My production chars have command center upgrade at level four and they can create links up to 10.000km with nine buildings (six fabrics, one hangar and one extractor).  But in most cases I use 10 buildings and can create links up to 7.000km (six fabrics, one hangar, one storage and one extractor).

(click on the pictures to enlarge)

Then I remove all extractors except one and placed a storage near the remaining extractor. After that I link the extractor with the storage and the storage with the spaceport. I place industry facilities near the spaceport and link them with the spaceport too. Then I press submit and buy all pending installations (about seven million, including command center). This step is very important! I buy only one extractor now and I don't waist $$$ for trail and error. Last step is to create routes. Its important to route all materials/commodities to a storage or spaceport first, otherwise materials gets lost. In the end my setup to harvest raw materials looks something like this ...

(click on the picture to enlarge)

The values calculated by the Extractor are odd, but a good guideline for me is to extract about 900k of raw materials each day to have at least six basic industry facilities producing P1 stuff all the time. The numbers on each extractor head units have to be over 130 therefor.

(click on the picture to enlarge)

With one million raw materials each day and all extractor head units over 170, I can run eight industry facilities. But many materials wouldn't get harvest and I have to search for hot spots only. Its better to store the surplus and suck the planet dry with six industry facilities, in my opinion.

Last but not least I have two planets to produce Data Chips and Gel-Matrix Biopaste. Therefor  I can use up to 24 industry facilities or storages, with my Comand Center Upgrade skill level 4.

(click on the pictures to enlarge)

Nanites are missing, but this ingredient I buy in Jita and add the stuff to the production in the corp office. This makes only a few million difference in my income.